Account validation

Since it’s easy to mistype the account number or mobile number for a recipient, we provide a feature where you can request more details about an account number, before creating a transaction.

We support this feature in 2 ways:

  • A standalone endpoint (for both account name enquiry and telco validation - depending on the market).
  • An account name validation functionality within the transaction flow.

Account name validation via endpoint

You can perform an account name validation by initiating a call to the following endpoint:

POST /v1/account_validations

Once you have the account name you can compare that with the recipient details you wish to use, and only create a transaction if they match.

We support account name validation in the following markets:




  "bank_account": "123456789",
  "bank_code": "058",
  "country": "NG",
  "currency": "NGN",
  "method": "bank"




  "bank_account": "123456789",
  "bank_code": "030100",
  "country": "GH",
  "currency": "GHS",
  "method": "bank"



  "phone_number": "+233302123456", // E.164 international format
  "mobile_provider": "vodafone" // Optional
  "country": "GH",
  "currency": "GHS",
  "method": "mobile"

The valid mobile_provider values for Ghana are:


Note: Kindly be informed that Airtel has merged with Millicom’s Tigo in Ghana to become AirtelTigo




  "phone_number": "+256772123456", // E.164 international format
  "mobile_provider": "mtn",
  "country": "UG",
  "currency": "UGX",
  "method": "mobile"

The valid mobile_provider values for Uganda are:



A successful response will return a 200 OK status code, and provide you with the account name:

  "object": {
    "account_name": "Test User"

An invalid account response will return a 422 Unprocessably Entity status code, with an error description in the meta object (please do note the error below it’s just an example and it may vary depending on the market):

  "object": {
    "account_name": null
  "meta": {
    "error": "Account Invalid"

If we are unable to verify an account due to issues with validation providers (such as a timeout or other connectivity problems), we will return a 422 Unprocessable Entity status code, along with an Account validation failed error in the meta object:

  "object": {
    "account_name": null
  "meta": {
    "error": "Account validation failed"

Note: An error during account name enquiry may indicate either that the account does not exist or that there is a connectivity issue with the banking system or the telco operator. Therefore, if you receive an error message, you may need to retry the request a few minutes later.

Mobile provider (telco) validation via endpoint

Similarly to the account name validation, you can perform a mobile provider (telco) validation by initiating a call to the same endpoint:

POST /v1/account_validations

Once you have the mobile provider (returned as mapped_mobile_provider in the response) you can compare that with the mobile provider (telco) you wish to use, and only create a transaction if they match.

Note: Kindly be aware that this is a paid service. Please contact our Sales Team at or our Account Management team at to request more informations.

We support mobile provider (telco) validation in the following markets:

WAEMU Region / XOF



  "phone_number": "+221774044436", // E.164 international format
  "mobile_provider": "orange",
  "country": "SN",
  "currency": "XOF",
  "method": "mobile"

The valid mobile_provider values for Benin are:


The valid mobile_provider values for Burkina Faso are:


The valid mobile_provider values for the Ivory Coast are:


The valid mobile_provider values for Senegal are:


The valid mobile_provider values for Togo are:



A successful response will return a 200 OK status code, and provide you with the mobile provider:

  "object": {
    "mapped_mobile_provider": "orange"

An invalid mobile provider response will return a 422 Unprocessably Entity status code, with an error description in the meta object (please do note the error below it’s just an example and it may vary depending on the market):

  "object": {
    "mapped_mobile_provider": "orange"
  "meta": {
    "error": "Mobile provider does not match phone number."

If we are unable to verify a mobile provider due to issues with validation providers (such as a timeout or other connectivity problems), we will return a 422 Unprocessable Entity status code, along with an Account validation failed error in the meta object:

  "object": {
    "mapped_mobile_provider": null
  "meta": {
    "error": "Account validation failed"

Account name validation in transactions

Another way to limit mispayments due to mistyped account numbers is enabling account name validation on transactions. This feature will block payouts if the account holder’s name and the recipient name provided don’t match.

Note: This feature is currently available for NGN::Bank, GHS::Bank and GHS::Mobile payouts only.

To enable account name validation please enable the account_validation trait during transaction creation:

POST /v1/transactions

      "traits": {
        "account_validation": true
      // (...) additional transaction details

We can also enable name validation by default across all transactions created by you. If this is of interest please contact our team so we can configure your account as such. If the feature is enabled, then it can be disabled on a per-transaction basis by specifying "account_validation": false in the traits section.

Once the trait is enabled we will do a name enquiry from the bank and check if the name we get back matches the name received in the recipient details. If they match we will go ahead with the payout. If it doesn’t we will stop the payout and return an error message describing that the transaction will not proceed unless the recipient details are updated to match the account holder name, or name validation is disabled on the transaction.

In both cases we will return the account holder name in the recipient’s metadata. For example if you entered JOHN SMITH as the recipient name, but the account holder is in fact JANE DOE then you will receive a recipient.error webhook with the following details:

  "webhook": "fd599451-4f3c-4045-91e1-d68ed12ffb75",
  "event": "recipient.error",
  "object": {
    "editable": true,
    "metadata": {
      "provider_name_validation": {
        "valid?": true,
        "account_name": "JANE DOE"
    "payout_method": {
      "type": "NGN::Bank",
      "details": {
        "last_name": "SMITH",
        "first_name": "JOHN",
        // (...)
    "state": "error",
    "state_reason": "The recipient name doesn't match the account holder's name. Please edit or cancel the transaction",
    // (...)

In case the account number doesn’t exist at the bank or there is a connectivity issue with the banking system you will receive an error with the following message: We could not verify that the account entered exists. This could be a temporary error with a bank, or it can mean the details entered were incorrect. We will retry the transaction.

Unfortunately due to how the banking system works in the supported markets it is not always possible to differentiate an invalid account number from a connectivity issue, hence we will automatically retry the name enquiry until we get a valid response, or the transaction is cancelled.

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